Have Fun More

You were once young with boundless energy for wonder and pondering- FUN is the missing dynamic that opens the door

Let Details Bloom

For practical reasons we each get caught thinking we know, what we, in reality don’t-. Also why SCIENCE DOUBLE BLINDS 

Understand Patterns

The world certainly was FLAT for the millennia of folks who BELIEVED it was- Why was Christopher Columbus not one of them? (Hint: because he learned about Eratosthenes’s MATH)

Get Creative Feedback

801.2n lacus vel augue

Praesent commodo


Relearn Curiosity

6x Vel scelerisque

Nisl consectetur

Lorem ipsum 75


Own Your Persepective

Consectetur adipiscing elit

Cras justo odio

Dapibus ac facilisis

Focus on Process

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Dolor amet (tortor)


Honoring Misteps

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commode

Purus sit amet ABC



Let Tomorrow Happen

Purus sit amet

Maecenas faucibus

Donec ullamcorper